Monday, January 26, 2009

Denner and Assistant Denner

"Denner? What's that? What else do I have to do or know or be?"
I was reading in the Cub Scout Leaders book when I came across the "denner" position. I was already feeling overwhelmed with all the new vocabulary and didn't want to deal with something that I decided was optional.

Weeks later I read in the Bear book Achievement 24 that the boys get to PASS SOMETHING OFF if they serve as Denner or Assistant Denner. What? Well, why didn't the Cub Scout Leader book say that? I really like doing things that pass something off.

I pulled out the Cub Scout Leader Book again and really read the section on Denners. Here's the scoop. The Bears get to vote for a boy to serve as their assistant and as their denner. These 2 boys get to do all kinds of special jobs as delegated by the Den Leaders. Talk about a Win-Win situation. Den Leaders get extra help setting up, gathering up, cleaning up and setting a good example. The Bears get to experience the election process on a monthly or bi-monthly basis and get to experience leadership. Nice.

We ask the boys to nominate someone (other than themselves) to serve. We list the nominees on the board. (Usually 3-4). Then the boys close their eyes (no peeking!!!) and we ask them to silently raise their hand to vote for Denner. We tally the votes, erase the names of those who didn't get a majority and let the boys open their eyes to see who will serve as the next Denner and Assistant.
The only trick is after the boys are elected, you HAVE to remember to give them special jobs to do.
There are special shoulder cords the boys can wear while they serve as Denner and Assistant but we haven't told our kids about them yet.

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